Written by 3:33 pm Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Dec 2

The Word is clear about anointing: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord” (Luke 4:18, 19) 

A Christian should derive his/her vision for life and especially ministry, from the above verses.

God anointed Jesus of Nazareth and He went about doing good. What good are you and I doing? Daily, faithfully and passionately?

‘Poor’ encompasses those who are spiritually impoverished, brokenhearted and utterly hopeless. Proclaim His love to ALL you live with, meet, serve. You don’t always need words to preach the gospel.

If you have been broken, you know what it means to suffer mute pain. Use that pain to help others heal.

Help others who are held captive by sin, to get the liberty JESUS offers from trauma and bondage. Jesus came to bring the recovery of sight to the blind – not just from physical blindness, but from spiritual blindness. Jesus is found in His Word; the more we study the Word, the more we see Him and can show Him to the world around us. Help the oppressed truly get free. Get out of your comfort zone, truly care for people and help.

Proclaiming the acceptable year of the Lord alludes to the ‘Year of Jubilee’ in the Bible, a special time – every 50 years – where debts were cancelled and slaves were released, symbolising a time of divine grace and restoration.

YOU have that call today. Each one of you. To seek the Lord Jesus for yourself, then for your family, friends and all you meet. Don’t give up on your prodigals.

Personally experience the reality of Christ and lead others to experience Him, by loving God and loving people, like JESUS did.

Christians are far from perfect; but we can strive to become a sincere group of Christ followers who love all people and who long to be the exact church God wants us to be.

You seek JESUS; the Holy Spirit restores. That’s being truly Christian.

That would be a remarkable way to welcome Advent.

#SeekJesus #VisionariesForJesus

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