Written by 3:01 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Dec 5

Life is just holding God’s hand tight daily and marching on. Not looking back. Except may be to thank Him for how far you have come.

And not looking too much ahead because He is with you today and you know – that you know – that He will for sure be there – no matter whatever happens.

That assurance is so precious at two in the morning when you are stuck in a fix or in severe pain when you don’t even have a loved one you can turn to. Jesus is always there. What a relief!

Stay close to Him, talk to Him about everything and learn to hear His voice and obey it in every little thing. You cannot hear a person you don’t get close to!

Move closer to Him.

And if you are in ministry, stay out of the Holy Spirit’s way and let Him do it all.

#TalkToJesus #WhatAFriendWeHaveInJesus

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