Written by 2:42 pm Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Dec 9

Every day, life gives us plenty of opportunities to praise GOD or to complain about Him.

You and I can turn every challenge into a reason to praise louder.

The complaining heart will always look for a reason to criticise JESUS for what He did NOT do. The worshipping heart needs no special reason to worship Him.

Some praise God when good things happen. When life is going well, when blessings are raining down, it’s easier to praise. But the Bible would not refer to the ‘sacrifice of praise’ if praising God didn’t sometimes feel too hard. Hebrews 13:15 describes the sacrifice of praise as “the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name”.

Praising GOD is a way to acknowledge and thank Him, even when we’re not feeling good about life or even about Him. It’s OUR choice to give God praise and gratitude, regardless of our circumstances. Worship is a great way to strengthen our faith and truly honour God. It’s a way to show that we believe God is good and can be trusted, even when things aren’t going as we expect.

Worshipping JESUS even while you are in pain is only possible on this side of heaven. So friends, praise HIM: by confessing and declaring His Word, thanking Him for everything, singing and meditating on the glory, grace and goodness of God.

If we praise Him only when He gives us something special, then we are just making a business deal – “God, we will praise You, if You do this for us”.

Remember: the only thing WE can give God is our worship. He gave us everything else, even our own breath. So whatever praise we give Him is not enough. So at least for the rest of your life, praise HIM well. With your thoughts, words and actions. Daily.

#PraiseJesus #MagnifyTheLord

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