Monday Reflection – Feb 10

Written by Christ & Co• 10 February 2025• 8:25 am• Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare
You could be the richest, most successful and most popular person in the world, but it won’t bless the people around you if your speech and actions are not truly right with God.
People might judge you pleasantly by your appearance, but GOD knows your heart.
And for your speech and behaviour to be right, your thoughts should be right. Else, you will never be able to act or speak right.
Many people promise themselves they won’t get angry, snap, gossip, speak hurtfully.
Yet they do again and again, because their hearts are not healed and their thoughts are not right with God. And the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
If you genuinely fellowship with Jesus and stay in His Word every day, you plant good seeds in your heart.
The more good seeds you plant, the more good fruit you produce.
The more you think good thoughts, the more you see others as good people, created in His image.
Think right about people; then speaking right and treating them right will soon follow.
#MendYourThoughts #GodsOwn