Written by 2:28 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Feb 12

Very often, things, situations, people get tougher to live with when you begin to pray over them.

You know why things get bad and people act worse when you start praying specifically?

Because God starts to deal with them.

People under conviction are harder to get along with than those who are not under conviction. So when you begin to pray, all hell might break lose.

And satan will up the heat. What do we often do? We start praying, things get harder, people act worse, everything goes haywire and we think it does not work.

So we quit and give up. That was what the devil wanted.

If satan dares to attack you, give him a tough battle. You are already fighting from a place of victory – with JESUS.

We should wait on God, be soaked in His Word, pray, discern, know what God wants us to do – and stand our ground and keep praying and pushing, until light dawns.

We need to do it, do it, do it and do it until you wear the devil out – each time, each situation.

In JESUS’ name.

#PrayWithoutCeasing #TheBattleIsTheLords

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