Written by 12:33 pm Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Feb 17

The best relationships are the ones in which you can and should have difficult conversations. And you can know how mature a person is when you have a real disagreement with him or her.

It is easy to discuss happy topics with even strangers. But every relationship – between spouses, friends, members of the family, colleagues and even fellow ministers – warrant some tough topics. Many people get along by avoiding certain topics which are taboo to the other person.

When you pick a spouse, friend, work partner or ministry companion, chose an adult – it is with an adult that you can have tough conversations. You may disagree, but you will learn to have a fight and make up without ugliness. A mature adult would behave like an adult, give and demand respect. Childish people cannot handle tough conversations or disagreements. They take offence, pick on every word you said or didn’t say, manipulate, dominate, intimidate, gossip, get angry, speak petty, walk off in the midst of conversations and worse still, leave you feeling guilty and miserable.

These people turn you against God and man. You can never TALK to them. And such half conversations will get you nowhere.

Mature adults will bring you to a level of speech and character that God intended for you to have.

Talk the tough talk. If you want to grow as a person, talk first to JESUS daily. Then ask for His guidance. Then choose to bring tough topics to the home, the church and the work place. Any relationship where ‘certain’ topics are taboo, cannot survive. Be it finances, food habits, health, in laws, work ethics, parenting, ministry decisions, church matters, faith, anything of importance should be shared and talked about – between two people who are mature adults. That in fact makes you an adult.

People have a right to share their opinions and be heard and validated. Be an adult who prays, then listens. And cares enough to talk the tough talk. Be mature. End conversations happy.

#GodlyTalk #SpeakLikeJesus

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