Written by 2:07 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Feb 28

To those who are wondering ‘why is this happening to me’? ‘I have been a good human being’ etc. You may be in a season of pruning.

The Heavenly Father is the vine dresser, Jesus is the Vine and the Holy Spirit is the sap that flows from the vine into the branches.

Pruning a vine is always ruthless – branches cut close to the stem. Every branch that bears fruit will be pruned (John 15:2)

Our efforts can’t produce a single grape. Only our union with the vine can. Only the life of the spirit can bring forth fruit. Not the fruit of our best efforts, not the fruit of religion, but the fruit of the Spirit.

We have borne some fruit so we are going to be further pruned. Breathe and thank God. It’s a good sign.

If you are bumping into a devil at every corner on your way, that’s because you both are going in the opposite direction.

#TakeHeart #StayWithJesus

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