Written by 1:07 pm Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Feb 3

How easily we get upset over anything – is a sure sign of spiritual/emotional maturity. Jesus saw misery all around Him and He taught us how to face life in the love, joy and peace of the Holy Spirit.

Today, we see men and women undergoing acute suffering – battling poverty, sickness and trauma, barely keeping their lives going. They face life’s challenges with courage and integrity.

In the same world, we have people complaining that they are neglected by God if they do not get the best device in the market, colleagues fighting each other over that next promotion and unhealthy competition and nepotism within homes and churches.

If you want to be truly mature, learn to be so saturated with the Holy Spirit that you react well to what life throws at you daily.

You cannot long for sainthood and then get annoyed at a sink full of dirty dishes.

You cannot be so thorough with the Bible and then get upset at the waiter and throw a tantrum because you ordered chocolate and got vanilla instead.

Keep the faith, keep up the praise and keep the worship going. Chocolate is just around the corner. Meanwhile, enjoy the vanilla and thank God for it. When you begin to thank God for the vanilla flavour or vanilla days, you may notice how much you actually enjoy it.

#EnjoyEveryDay #ThankGodForAllThings

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