Written by 4:45 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Feb 6

When you are going through a tough time, do not dishonour our God by the way you think, speak or act.

Right now, there is someone in your own vicinity – your home, building, workplace or street – who has it a lot harder than you.

You might say, “But things are not going well for me right now either.”

The Bible has many stories to tell about men and women who had it tough, yet clung to their God and came out victorious.

Job persisted, overcame and won double for his trouble.

Joseph sold into slavery by his brothers couldn’t possibly conceive that God would one day establish him as a leader within 24 hours. Years when Joseph maintained his integrity. Years when he stuck to his godly vision.

The Bible records story after story of adversity leading to advancement and loss leading to gain.

The Master’s plan is unfolding in your life – like embroidery on a piece of very plain cloth. You just don’t get to see the end result now.

Be wise, take the daily lessons you learn into the future that God has in mind for you.

When challenges come, be comforted in knowing that God is in control. Keep up the praise and move closer to Him.

The devil may be stoking the furnace you’re in, but rest assured that God has His hand on the thermostat!

The sculptor who created the American Presidents’ memorial at Mount Rushmore, apparently left the nose of President Washington an inch too long. He thought it was best – as it would erode and be exactly right in 10,000 years.

In His time, He will make all things beautiful. One day at a time. One chisel at a time. The Master Carpenter knows what HE is doing.

Just go along with His plan.

#InHisTime #WaitingOnGod

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