Written by 6:26 pm Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Jan 13

Do not be so focused on the destination that you do not enjoy the journey. Whether it is a holiday or life.

We often end up dreading things – we often expect to face things in life that we may not even face. We worry, we over-plan and we stress. Many people even believe that their happiness depends on some life circumstances far off in the distance. So, life is spent in this never-ending journey of striving toward one goal and then another pops up.

Stop today. Realign your life. Let your priorities be right – God first, then everything else.  Give yourself permission to do something daily, that you really enjoy doing.

Celebrate the little victories. You may not be where you want to be, but be happy about how far you have come.

Be grateful to Jesus. For family, friends, gifts from GOD. Many had their journeys cut short.

You still are alive. Don’t just focus on your ending. The Israelites went around the same mountain ungrateful and did’t even reach their Promised Land. But the children did. Keep your eyes on Jesus or you will go around the same mountains over and over.

Be grateful for every small gift from above and for the process involved in reaching your goals.  Through that process, you’ll be blessed with new experiences, new people and hopefully learn new things.

Ten years down the road, make sure you can look back with joy at all the great memories you created. For GOD, for others and for yourself.

#SeekGod #BeGrateful

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