Written by 1:50 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Jan 15

Pride and the ‘ME’ thought was the first sin – it turned an angel into the devil.

Lucifer foolishly became ‘self-sufficient’ without God. It was all about him and what he wanted. And what a fall that was.

King Saul was born in Gibeah, a place of humility but died on Gilboa, a mountain of pride. Without God, he turned into a petty, jealous, spiteful, cruel man.

Without God, we are nothing.

It’s dangerous to plant anything or let it grow – without God’s presence in it, each step. It could affect you and your generations.

Saul had His power but lost His presence. What a fall from being a king to being driven to suicide.

Is power more important to you or the simple yet glorious presence of a loving God?

Think about it.

#WhatJesusWantsIsEnough  #FriendOfJesus

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