Written by 3:58 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Jan 16

Here’s something to consider especially when you wake up: You are a friend of God. His Spirit lives inside of you.

There is no greater chum than the Holy Spirit. He is our comforter, counsellor, helper, advocate, intercessor and our strength. And no greater message than to praise God – fervently, sincerely and at all times. Especially during a tough season or a hard day, because – unless you have a battle to face, you will not see the victory of God.

It’s one thing to name drop – mention Jesus’ name whenever it’s convenient and sing ‘What a friend we have in Jesus’ but plain sad if you don’t know His Spirit personally.

When we learn the wonderful truth of the Holy Spirit’s personal nature, we cannot but long to cultivate a friendship with this mysterious third Person of the Trinity.

It should be our daily goal, not to just obtain the Holy Spirit, but to fellowship with Him – to befriend Him. HE makes every day special, filled with JESUS and perfected by God.

In a world of disposable relationships, be superbly happy to realise it, believe it and sing it: “I am a friend of God. He loves me as I am.”

#WelcomeHolySpirit  #AllForChrist

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