Written by 6:38 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Jan 23

Every new day is a second chance. God gives us many of those second chances in our lifetime.

We are surrounded by many and often unknown heroes and sheroes who may not be on a podium, but have proven their mettle.

They may go unacknowledged, but they brighten their own corners and in turn, make the world a better place. THAT opportunity is provided to each one of us – to the rich and to the poor, to the illiterate and to the educated and to the youngest and to the oldest.

All of us can make our own or someone else’s day better, a situation pleasanter and a cross easier to carry.

Be an example to children – let them not repeat the mistakes their elders have made. Youth learn by example.

If you want a good next generation that has integrity, values and goodness, show them how. Help them too to help others.

Goodness makes a better ripple than evil.

#LiveBetter #GlorifyingChristInEverything

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