Your life is not about you alone. God created us to saturate ourselves with God’s love and then pass Christ’s love on to people everywhere.
The race called life is NOT about finishing as the richest person around. It is not abut being the fastest – sadly, that’s how the world is going. It is not about being the most comfortable, cos when you love God and love people sincerely, life can get pretty uncomfortable for you.
Obeying God in every little thing, at any cost, is a tough path to take. And giving your time, love, care, money, service – to people can be tough.
Life is not about being successful either. Success defined by the world is often worldly, but God sees the heart. Some of the richest and the most successful people in the world – are the unhappiest ones. And some people the world looks at as failures – are living saints in the eyes of God and man. Often hidden, often despised, mostly forgotten.
Jesus taught us by example how to live. And to lay our lives down for Him. He died for us while we were still sinners. God’s Son – in return for a bunch of broken, messed up people. His Blood to wash us clean. Be grateful for your life.
Life is not a 100 metres dash; it’s a steady marathon. It’s not what we wear or our the time we take that counts – but the path we take, the way we run, how well we help others who are on the journey and our persistence to finish.
The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favour to the learned (Ecclesiastics 9:11)
So finish your journey well, so that people don’t have to lie at your funeral.
Faithful people run well and finish well. In front of God and loved ones.
Life isn’t fair; but you can be.
#StayWithJesus #RunTheRaceWell
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