Written by 3:56 pm Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – June 17

Let nothing temporal affect your relationship with GOD. Earthy things should not challenge your eternity. Your doctrine should not be shaped by your experiences, but by the Word of God.

Stop a while and realise the truth. God did not cause that pain, that failure, that tragedy. We live in a fallen world – if God’s Son was brutally killed, don’t expect fairness from the world. But JESUS died for us and rose from the dead, so you and I have someone to cling to. Believe that GOD is with you, batting for you. He is not your problem; He is just and good all the time. The Word of God promises that; so believe that.

Stop blaming God. We may see the whole picture only when we face Him one day. If anything, focus your anger at the devil, at the mischief he has caused. Go sit with JESUS, receive your own healing, then go minister His love, peace and healing to others who need it desperately.

Paul and Silas worshipped God and the chains fell off. Jesus heard about the death of his cousin John; He went up alone to pray, then ministered healing and delivered people from satanic bondage.

How we handle life and its struggles reveals the depth of our worship. Worship JESUS well.

#NeverAlone #JesusHasMyBack

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