Written by 2:45 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – March 11

Joy is promised for every morning. Don’t bypass it because of your worry.  There is no end to the worries the human mind can conceive, if you let the storms outside get inside you.

What’s upsetting you? Your past? Jesus has wiped the slate of hurts, failures and disappointments clean.

Are you concerned about your future? Its safe in Christ’s hands.

And your today? Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23)

Do not let anyone or anything take your eyes of what’s truly important – a life in obedience to God, honouring Him, loving God and loving people. Day by day, step by step.

Leave your burdens at the Cross; then enjoy every moment with Him. Whether its worship, family time, friendship, your job, your ministry, nature, books, music, good food or music – enjoy it, knowing God gave it to you. Godly people should be rejoicing people.

Life is hard, but living it with JESUS is easy.

Get right with Jesus first. Make Him happy. Things then have a working out somehow.

#JesusHoldsMe #WhatAnAwesomeGodWeServe

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