Written by 4:28 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – March 13

Sometimes God will permit people/situations to hurt and frustrate you and how much ever you try – the situation or the person, or both – will not change.

That is so that He can teach you how to KEEP your peace and joy even amidst trouble.

It is easy to imagine the Son of God in heaven surrounded by angels, but hard to imagine Him surrounded by chaos on earth. And that is what was surrounding Jesus – chaos – the sick, the wounded, the judgemental, the critical, the mean, the harsh and some real messy, tough situations.

He got His strength from heaven and dealt with the chaos. He just gave them love. And a lot of forgiveness. Even all the way to shedding the last drop of His blood – for you, me and them too.

Jesus prayed.

When the Third Person of the Trinity enters any situation, the chaos clears. Turn to God, ask for His love to soften you up, to give you wisdom for the moment.

Sandpaper people – even from your inner circle/family/work place are permitted – to soften you up.

Do not let another human being ever have the power to wipe out your beautiful smile. Or let the devil steal, kill and destroy you, your day, your peace – through people or through situations.

Get back to the prayer room. More of Him, Then the world and its chaos will not affect you so much.

#NoWhining #MorePraiseToJesus

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