Written by 4:37 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – March 14

You have planned and planned – but does your plan agree word for word to what GOD really wants from you?
What we often ‘think’ is God’s will is not often so. It may be what your own self wants, authority/family/friends/church demands. If you move into that spot which is not God-chosen, the harder it’s going to get until one day, you finally fall apart. You will be never be unbothered in a place that’s unapproved by God.
We should not write down minutes of our church/work/home/meetings and get it sealed by God. He is not a rubber stamp. He is the Lord Almighty.
To head to a future ahead of God – is to head for sure disaster.
When we take the presumptuous road, we ignore the headship of Jesus. Obeying God in every minute thing is the distinctive mark of the Holy Spirit. Anything that exalts a human or a church or an institution may be ‘spiritual’ but not of the Holy Spirit.

We may have ‘religious’ activities, but if they do not glorify Christ and are contrary to the Word, there will be no permanent fruit. God’s own follow His agenda.

His true church, His sheep – have the ‘Mind of Christ’. Something to think about.

Stop and learn from the greatest teacher – Holy Spirit – before we fizzle out.

We are never going to reach anywhere He wants us to reach, until we learn to know what He really wants. And for that – wait on Him and hear from Him.


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