If you have reached your midnight, that means dawn is not far away!
Most of us want a sign – bright sunshine, birds chirping and flowers blooming – to know its morn. But God begins His creative work on beautiful dawns in the dark hours of midnight.
The moment you began to pray, the tide turned.
But you focus on the heartbreak, the pain, the losses, the tragedies of life, the darkness.
What is heart break, when your Heavenly Daddy is the Master Potter? Do NOT focus on the obstacles, focus on the One Who breaks down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. HE will give you hidden treasures and riches stored in secret places, HE said. He said and it that’s your guarantee.
Do not relish the pain, when King JESUS is your Mighty Healer.
Never feel alone, when the Holy Spirit is your Eternal Comforter.
IT WILL COME TO PASS. Be ready for your miracle. Why be despondent when the Lord who commands the winds and the waves, knows you by name and has carved you on the palms of His Hand?
Praise Him without ceasing.
The sun is on its way up. It’s just a matter of time for those that hope in the Lord.
#TrustInTheLord #HeIsFaithful
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