Written by 4:12 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – March 25

Your life is a mosaic of all the good and the bad that’s happened to you.

And the church is a mosaic of broken lives, reworked by God and placed together to glorify Him.

Why do we come together to worship a Saviour who was rejected, mocked, stripped and spat upon, bloodied, dragged through the streets and then crucified?

It is because Jesus, our God, loved us all the way to the Cross. He died for us and still wants us, messes and all.

And we recognise that we are broken people – sinners, with a lifetime of messes, who desperately need a Saviour.

When you put a collection of people like that together, you get the body of Christ – the universal church.

Giving our lives to Jesus Christ means we are instantly accepted, loved, forgiven and delighted in, by God. We get to be part of this giant mosaic – our messes are  transformed into messages of His love, healing, grace and deliverance.

We are thus in the process of growing to become more like Jesus.

His images might be placed all over the church, but He lives through you.

#ReflectChristWell #OwnedByJesus

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