Written by 7:50 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – March 28

The Bible warns about members of the SAME family fighting each other.

Look around you – it’s happening in your own home, your church, your friendships, your community and your country.

Satan is the father of lies, deception and division. He hates love, intimacy, unity, care and the first school where we learn it all – the family.

Churches, friendships, communities and countries are the bigger extensions.

When the devil tries to poke you in the eye by destroying what’s dearest to your heart, do not stand idle. It is better to fight against it now – seek JESUS and begin the healing today in your own heart and then take it to your own network of people.

Or it will be too late. Another earthly family destroyed. Some just politely coping, some barely existing, some avoiding a confrontation, many not truly communicating and all these – NOT walking like JESUS did.

Do not let the spirit of Cain win in your family, friendships, church, community and country. Fight the divisive forces – anger, hatred, pride, ego, unforgiving attitude, revenge, communalism, prejudice, racism, chauvinism, gossip – anything you know needs to be dealt with.

Don’t fight the people, all created in the image of a God that is Love.

Fight FOR your family, not WITH your family.

#WalkHisWalk #LoveLikeJesus

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