All of us have those days – when life throws incredible challenges at us.
When you age a few years within moments. Death, sickness, crisis, people problems, calamities hit with such a force that you reel in pain.
When life throws us down, we do sometimes kneel. But don’t wait for tragedy to hit, before you anchor on the King of Kings.
Make friends with Jesus today. And if disaster does strike, run to Him again, in faith. The purpose of having faith isn’t to avoid all problems, but to get through them with His peace and stability. Stay determined to trust God at all times. JESUS WILL SEE YOU THROUGH.
Lord Jesus, when days come that challenge Your destiny and our dreams, help us stand on what You showed us in the darkness, until it happens in the light.
For we live by faith, not by sight (2 Cor 5:7)
#JesusIsMyAnchor #KeepTheFaith
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