Written by 4:30 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – May 23

Taking each thought and making it captive to Christ is one of the basic and biggest challenges in our daily walk.

Because thoughts will eventually become words and actions. And that will then shape our character and destiny.

To think holy – implies that you just are not permitted to entertain anything that’s the opposite – anything unholy – wicked, cruel, judgemental, mean, dishonest or rude.

That’s NOT possible in our own strength anyway. Ask God to give you His nature of love, more and more, daily.

Your identity should be in how well you reflect Him – not what the world thinks of you or what you should be.

Do not throw away the oil of His anointing over anything petty. Remember the beauty of your calling.

You are in Christ’s BLOODLINE.

#IBelongToChrist #GlorifyingJesusInEverything #GodIsGood

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