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Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – May 27

Do not let life, people or situations stick labels on you or your situation. You are never beyond JESUS’s reach. Your situation is never impossible for GOD.

JESUS never loved anyone because he or she was perfect or because they were living ideal picture perfect lives; often far from it. None of the heroes and sheroes of the Old Testament and the New Testament were perfect; God used them all.

As long as you are alive and breathing, you can shake off anything bad that life tries to stick on you, in JESUS’ strength.

If your reality on earth has been pain, setbacks, poverty, desperation, sickness, failure or endless struggle, go deeper into the Word of God. It existed even before you were born and it has the power to change you and your life.

JESUS is the God of the turnaround. Just believe His written Word blindly.

If the enemy speaks over you through people, your situations or even your own mind, speak GOD’s word back to him.

God’s word is more powerful than man’s word. Believe in it, empower it and live it.

#HisWordHeals #GodsGirl

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