Written by 6:03 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – May 29

Pentecost should never end.

It should be a daily experience for anyone who claims to know Jesus’ name intimately.

God’s people need the Holy Spirit so we can be witnesses for Jesus in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8)

A true, real witness lets the Holy Spirit act on his/her self and inner circle first, then on neighbours and outsiders. The Holy Spirit should not be quenched or grieved.

Hungry souls perish while we harbour grudges, hold meetings, whine over petty things and focus on the least important things.

Do not debase, demean, devalue or cheapen your Holy Spirit anointing for anyone, anything. That oil comes with a price.

And churches – should host the Holy Ghost first. Not people, not leaders, not groups with agendas.

Today’s generation wants the real deal – not an entertaining and flashy service or a dead church, but all of HIM. For that, we need the Spirit of the Living God. Nothing more, nothing less.

Just get Him in and let Him loose. HE knows His work best. And He will do it for you and me.

God is raising up men and women who refuse to – compromise His truth, negate His Word or ignore His Spirit.

I pray you will be one of them.

#HolySpiritIsWelcomeHere #LetTheFireFall

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