Written by 5:54 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – May 30

“What will happen to me?” A query you hear anxious people repeating frequently these days. It could be elderly parents, the sick, addicts struggling to stay sober, those facing career or financial blocks, students beating exam blues, families trying to make the ends meet, couples unhappy in their marriage, lonely singles, the vulnerable and the weak or even worn out ministers of God.

First, take a deep breath, be still and know that HE IS GOD and He is good.

Know with every fibre of your being that JESUS is aware of where exactly you are and what you are battling. He said HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU or forsake you. And if your cup is empty, He will supply all your need (not your greed may be, but definitely your need) When you realise that at this moment, the Maker of heaven and earth knows your name and your situation, you will feel peace.

Secondly, the Bible asks us to bless the Lord and forget not all His benefits. It helps to remember that every time you battled a crisis so far, HE has come through. He always has and He always will. Open your mouth and tell the enemy that when he brings in doubts. Declare His promises out aloud.

Do not open that chain of worried thoughts and wallow in a problem, if you cannot solve it. GOD can. Give it to Him.

Then enjoy your day – rejoice and praise HIM, from whom all good things come.

Don’t whine and remain, praise and be raised.

#Hallelujah #ToChristBeAllGlory #HeavenIsAtYourDoor

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