Written by 1:10 pm Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Nov 11

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”, Psalm 91:1 promises.

He who dwells in the secret place…Dwell there. Don’t just visit and get quickly out.

Too many of us give our lives to Jesus in a momentary experience at an altar. But we struggle with passivity. We don’t really hunger for how much more of God is there and how much deep intimacy we can have with Him. Passivity is the greatest block to us entering the secret place; we think where we are is good enough.

The secret place of the Most High is that spiritual spot where believers can experience intimacy with JESUS, find refuge and talk to Him.  It is a place of protection, communion with GOD and rest.

Most of us so-called believers do not even visit that place daily. That spot where we can connect with the Lord in our minds. A place that is our birthright. Blood-bought by JESUS.

We turn to every corner except HIS secret place, for solace. The enemy knows when people are weak and hits us with more pain. When trauma hit you over and over, don’t stay idle, don’t invite the spirit of infirmity or death. Also, don’t make choices that are the results of past trauma.

Recognise when a storm is traumatising you and stop yourself. Repent or get help if needed. Get as much prayer support as you can. Catch the wave and ask the Holy Spirit to heal you immediately.

Then go into the secret place and dwell there. Until every pain leaves.

Earth has no sorrow that JESUS cannot heal, IF you let Him.

#JesusHeals #Psalm91

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