Written by 3:27 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Nov 13

The evil outside cannot touch you until you give it landing space in your mind.

It’s interesting that satan couldn’t do anything in the garden of Eden on his own, until he tempted Eve. He had no authority or dominion. He had to come with a thought and an idea which got man to disobey God and fall.

God focused on His presence, plenty and provision. He gave them everything. An an abundance of His love.

Satan focused on limit, denial, lack. He came with an empty promise of a fruit – better things than that, Eve already had. He also promised luxuries that came with it. Blessings he said, which were in reality, curses.

Nothing has changed really. Same tactic, over and over. So we gotta submit to God FIRST and then resist the devil.

Adam and Eve fell, people still fall too. GOD is pure love. Satan is the father of lies. Yet we fall for those lies daily. And we rebel against God.

The thought that anyone of anything can have better intentions towards us than our Father GOD, is plain stupid.

The awareness that you are the apple of God’s eyes and His eye is on you, aware of everything you face daily, should be enough. So recognise the real enemy and resist him, not GOD. Let praise be your answer to those attacks – such a slap in the face for the enemy.

Anything that happens – should push you more and more into that Secret Place daily – where you meet JESUS.

#FathersGirl #ChildOfGod

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