Written by 4:30 pm Spiritual Warfare • One Comment

Monday Reflection – Nov 21

When you have Jesus, you have everything.

We see people who have wealth, success, the best of everything still seeking happiness and contentment. They think the next best thing, achievement would give them that peace, that fulfilment which they have been seeking all their lives.

Only HE can truly satisfy the cravings of an empty soul.

May be that’s why things of the earth leave us empty. Even the best of things, the best of people.

The minute that holiday, movie, song, entertainment ends, we are left with that ache for more. It’s not because we are bored easily. It’s because we have that God-shaped hole in our hearts that only Jesus can fill.

The world makes it easy for you to fill your ears with all kinds of things that drown out the voice of God and push Him far into the background.

However, the day comes for every person when only God remains. Give Him that chance today before you hit rock bottom.

He’ll give you all of Himself and more.

#JesusIsEnough #HeMakesMySoulSing

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