Written by 2:13 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Nov 27

Tell the same story, share the same picture or mention a name – do all these to two different people and you can see who truly really has God in him/her.

Some see only evil even in a good story, complain even on a joyful day and rip apart people who are not present to defend themselves.

Day to day, you can see who is saturated with the Lord and who may be has religion – but no love, godliness, trust or even respect for God or people.

The mouth speaks what the heart is full of  And even if you are chock-a-block full of love and goodness – the world is only seeing/hearing what you display.

You can fool people but God sees your heart. And if you put on a charade, you can never keep it up. So truly get His Holy Spirit in. HE can naturally change the way you think, speak and act.

Fill yourself with the Word and His Spirit, else what words you speak and your actions will never truly reflect Him.

FILL your heart with Jesus and then go out and give His love to everyone without limits and without misgivings.

#LoveGodLoveHisCreations #ReflectJesus

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