Written by 2:23 pm Monday Reflections, Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Nov 4

Quit adding manmade conditions for God’s love, God’s healing and God’s acceptance of yourself or other people.

Quit adding ‘perfect’ conditions to receive healing, deliverance, forgiveness, cleansing and answers from heaven, when JESUS has removed them all on the cross. All it requires is constant intimacy with GOD. Jesus wants you to go to Him just as you are. He is the only one who can accept us just as we are too. Worship Him like HE should be worshipped. Seek Him with all your soul, above everything – the answers will come.

The leper pleaded with Jesus, if you are willing…JESUS moved with compassion sand said, “I am willing”.

Get that into your mind. It is finished. He is willing. Then and now. JESUS always wants to hear from you. He wants to heal, restore and stay with you.

God gets all the glory when we walk in His promises. When we agree to what God says in His WORD, He can work in our lives. Agree with God, than with whatever people, life or situations tell us.

HIS Word is above everything. And if you are still feeling distant, realise that YOU moved away. All of life’s madnesses kept you away from JESUS. Run back to Him.

Get back to worshipping, praising and seeking. Faith moves GOD, not just desperation.

#PraiseGod #SeekJesus

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