Written by 4:23 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Oct 17

Sometimes, everything around us – suffering, sickness, broken dreams, long waits for breakthroughs, people problems, seemingly unanswered prayers – seem to challenge the fact that God is good. Life is hard at times, but God IS always good.

Get that etched into your mind.

He is not the author of our problems. In world where God’s son was not spared pain, we will face pain too. He never promised us that we would have a life on earth free of problems, but that HE would be with us through our problems – if we call out to Him.

God the Father loved us so much that He sent His Son. The Son died on the cross and heaven sent us a Helper – the Holy Spirit. HE is your best friend and the eternal lover of your soul.

However, when problems hit and people pressures hit, we turn away from the ONE who always has our backs. And we preach hellfire to others without weeping over the state of our own souls.

God called us to resist evil within us and outside, believe we are more than conquerors in Christ and have gut-wrenching faith that GOD will let ALL things work together for our good. Even the good and the bad.

Let’s just choose today to trust and obey Him blindly – forever and ever. #Amen

#HisOwnForever #MyLordAndMyGod

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