Written by 4:30 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Oct 3

All you need is the Word of God. You and I may know how to quote it, but not know how to use it for spiritual warfare.

Then we meet people who often negate what we have prayed – out of ignorance, traditional beliefs and a lack of adequate faith.

The Word of God is so powerful. Pray it and SPEAK it.

No sense praying over a situation and then encouraging unbelief and rewinding and replaying all the negative stuff and cancelling out what you just prayed over.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.

You and I cannot pray for healing and then rehash all our symptoms. We cannot pray for a miracle and then insist that it can happen to others and not ourselves. We should not believe or utter anything anything that contradicts the Word in our lives.

Feelings come and go. But you can still say, “I’m blessed when I come in and blessed when I go out!”

Our joy is connected to the words we speak. And one of the ways we can instantly increase our joy, is to stop talking about all of our problems and choose to speak His words over them instead.

Even in the middle of a difficult situation, thank and praise God for doing something good ―bringing circumstances together, changing hearts, and changing what satan planned for our destruction into something good.

Do not curse situations, people. Focus on speaking God’s promises over every aspect of your daily life.

His Word remains forever.

#WordOfGodIsForever #JesusIsLord

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