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Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Oct 9

From their childhood, people have numerous misunderstandings to deal with.

Some of the misunderstandings, you may have had a chance to clear, but in most cases, they remain unsolved. One often hears of decades of hurt, grudges, family rivalries – relationships, homes, communities, churches being broken, because someone offended someone else. May be even unintentionally. But satan used that to bait you into years of  hurt, unforgiving attitude and trauma.

God gives us daily opportunities to learn how to process hurt, so that it does not become a spirit of offence.

Daily life usually involves multiple emotions, but what we let grow in us, depends on us.

Letting go is part of loving God and loving others.

Once we learn to forgive someone like Jesus does, learning to overcome any offence – real or imagined – comes naturally. It flows from a heart that strives to become more like Jesus.

Have you learned to truly forgive and overcome a spirit of offence?

Want to be truly free? Want to go to bed daily – happy and grateful? You wouldn’t want to stand at heaven’s gate with even a smidgen of anger inside.

Make peace – with JESUS first. Then with the world. Do it NOW.

The quicker you forgive, the quicker you are healed.

#ForgiveJustAsYouHaveBeenForgiven #SeventyTimeSeven #JesusHeals

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