Written by 7:48 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Sept 11

You think that if you have a problem, you should be miserable, until it is solved.

You don’t have to. You can keep the praises going while you lean closer to God, when the heat intensifies.

God is not afraid or unaware of your battles. He is more than willing to fight those for you, once you cling to Him.

The Word says that in this world, we will have tribulation, but to be of good cheer because JESUS has overcome the world. EVERYONE has problems of some kind. and when one is solved, another crops up.

And fighting the good fight does not mean – not feeling fear. Faith is – to rebuke the fear and do what you believe God wants you to do, anyway. Stand up, get help and fight again.

Each baby step counts. Glance back – you’ve had a lot of experience with God and so you know that He’s not gonna let you down.

God never promised that weapons would not form against you. He promised that those weapons would not prosper.

Understand that you were born into a battlefield. So you have no option but to stand up and fight again.

JESUS holds you. HE will never leave you or forsake you.

So get up and fight better – this time, with Him.

#DontQuit #JesusIsMyRock

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