Written by 3:50 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Sept 13

Train yourself to believe the BEST of people or you are only going to hurt yourself – sometime for months., years. Take that judgemental nonsense and let go right now, before you become a mouthpiece for satan.

‘Speculating’ about another – what they are thinking, doing, might do – is also ‘judging’. What if God put a tag on us that we put on others? Love is patient, kind and covers faults (1 Cor 13) Cover people’s faults, don’t expose them to ridicule.

lll treating/wounding His creations is like poking your finger into God’s eyes. Don’t do that and expect His peace.

People are His treasures – His sons and daughters. Be careful how you treat them.

At any cost, for any reason, never, NEVER break a heart. Lord Jesus, forgive us our absurdities.

And teach us to love like YOU do. Before we come to the last hours of our lives when it would be too late.


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