Written by 3:47 pm Spiritual Warfare

Monday Reflection – Sept 6

Life is great. Then you have those awful moments and long Jonah seasons. Then those beautiful days again. Then some mundane days. Then a tragedy hits.

What happens to you is not in your control, but the way you respond to it, is.

Deeply enjoy and cherish the awesome days and moments, hold on tight to God during the awful ones and relax, find the humour, during the mundane moments.

Most importantly, enjoy every moment.

If it is not going to matter when you are eighty, let it go immediately.

If it has not already happened, do not invite trouble imagining it, let it go.

Resign from the post of ‘General Manager of the Universe.’

Let God be God.

Let each day be godly, breathtaking and mainly, soul-healing!

Only you can make it so! Be brave about it and do it with Jesus.


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