Trump is ‘non-denominational’

In the News

President Trump, in an exclusive interview with Religion News Service, said he no longer identifies as a Presbyterian and now sees himself...

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Ezekiel 22

Scripture Today

Meditating on the Word of God is not the transcendental endeavour which most people associate with the term ‘meditation’.  Joshua 1:8...

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The Happiest People On Earth

What we reviewed

All of us have a list of must-read books and then some books which we go back to whenever we need upliftment. This book that kind. The book...

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Police payout for preacher

In the News

A street preacher has won compensation from Dorset Police for being manhandled and unlawfully prevented from preaching from his truck. The...

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My experiments with maths

Editor’s Notes

I have always spelt Math, H-A-T-E. Let’s face it – mathematics is a subject that arouses extreme feelings in the bosom of a student....

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Malabar Mutton Curry

Main Course

In the Middle East, Muslim friends and their mums stuffed us with mouthwatering meat dishes.  This is our version of the delicious Mutton...

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