Chicken and Mushroom Pie

Main Course

Our favourite comfort food. Ranked as one of the most popular types of savoury pies in the world. If you put in that effort to make puff...

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Host served with chopsticks

In the News

A Church of England vicar is using chopsticks to distribute the host to parishioners during Holy Communion to adhere to Covid19 safety...

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Prayer over our losses

Daily Prayers • One Comment

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You everything that we count as big losses in our lives today. We surrender to you the financial crunch, the...

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Save Charaka, help weavers

In the News

Buy handloom from India’s only women weavers’ handloom cooperative society – Charaka. And let’s bring back the romance of...

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Prayer for inner healing

Spiritual Warfare • One Comment

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Betrayed by best friend

Need Counselling?

I trusted my best friend like family and he has betrayed me. He has done it before too. I have so much anger inside and have imaginary...

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Just like Mary

Divine Reflections

Mother Mary has a unique distinction given to her in the Word of God. A person who was called ‘favoured’ and ‘blessed among women’....

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