Glorifying Christ in everything

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Banana Almond Cake


You want to eat healthy, yet you often dream of cake. This one is a healthier cake, with no eggs, no milk, no white sugar and no plain...

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Facing Brook Besor moments

Divine Reflections • One Comment

I believe that all Christians one day face something Max Lucado referred to as a Brook Besor moment. When even your dearest abandon you and...

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Dalgona Coffee


Just use the three right ingredients in equal quantities, whip them well and you can make a good version of Dalgona Coffee at home. The...

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Glorifying Christ in everything

Scripture Today

Glorifying Christ in everything...

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Prayer of Surrender

Spiritual Warfare • One Comment

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Christ & Co.

Editor’s Notes, Trending

Christ first. Then his associates. That’s who we stand for. Anyone who wants to enjoy the company of Jesus is welcome here. Our Lord...

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Worried about salvation

Need Counselling?

I often worry about people I know and care about – who have never heard the gospel or are ignorant of Jesus – will they be saved?...

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