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Pelé: Birth of a Legend

Edson Arantes do Nascimento or Pele as we know the legend is the greatest football player of all time. Pelé is also credited with making the phrase “the beautiful game” synonymous with football.

This brilliant movie is about him – his meteoric rise from the slums of Sao Paulo to leading Brazil to its first World Cup victory at the age of 17.

The achievements of Pelé are truly outstanding, he is the most successful league goal scorer in the world, with 541 league goals. In total Pelé scored 1281 goals in 1363 games, for which he was listed in the Guinness World Records for most career goals scored in football.

In 1961, Brazil President Jânio Quadros had declared Pelé a national treasure. Pelé began playing for Santos at 15 and the Brazil national football team at 16. He won three FIFA World Cups: 1958, 1962 and 1970, the only player ever to do so.

Brazilian football has always had a magical quality; what sets Brazil and its football apart from the rest?

The answer is Ginga – an almost indefinable, mystical quality of movement and attitude possessed only by Brazilians and evident in everything they do. The way they walk, talk, dance and approach everything in their lives.

I am a huge fan of Pelé, so this movie worked as a great opportunity to see the journey of the boy who became the soul of the nation and the world. He is a great humanitarian too.

A brilliant story, outstanding acting by the whole cast who kept the whole proceeding so real that it would inspire you to believe in yourself and your dreams. Never lose hope and have undying faith, which keeps us going in the adverse situations of our lives.

Vincent D’Onofrio as the coach Feola is superb. Kevin de Paula as Pelé is very good but the actor who really stands out is Seu Jorge who plays the role of Pele’s dad. And yes there is a nice glimpse of the real legend himself in the movie.

The background score is done by India’s pride A R Rahman and he has done an excellent job.

Loved every bit of this pulsating inspiring movie. Memorable. Whether you are a football fan or not , you got to watch this movie. Recommended.

Rating: 7/10

By Rimi Das

Bubbly, ever-positive, forever-smiling Rimi Das is a marketing professional from India, who has an avid interest in movies. In other words, Rimi drinks, eats and sleeps movies from across the globe. Movies inspire her to become a better person and so does travel; many of the movies she watched have taken her to new countries and has given her a new perspective to life https://www.instagram.com/rimi1234/

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