Written by 5:40 am Daily Prayers, Spiritual Warfare

Prayer for struggling marriages

Lord Jesus,

Today we surrender to You those couples among us who are struggling in our marriages.

We pray that husbands and wives will truly and sincerely love, honour and cherish this special gift from You. Lord Jesus, be our light. When the darkness seeps in, brighten our days with the power of praise. Lord Jesus, be our shield. When the arrows of hurt tear us down, help us to hold a covering of gold.

Lord restore our hope. Let peace and hope fill our life as we learn to trust in Your loving provision.

Fill me with Your Spirit. Rid my heart of the anger and hurt I have towards my spouse. Surround me with comfort, strength, and wisdom. Pour Your love into me, into my spouse and into my marriage.

May homes be filled with the power and grace of God and may any of our hurts be washed away by Your precious blood.

May our children experience Your healing touch too.

Holy Spirit, heal us. Your Word says, “Love does not keep a record of wrongs”. Let our slates be washed clean today, this moment. In Your mercy, give us a new life.

Bind all couples together with the eternal cords of Your love.

Heal our souls, sweet JESUS.


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