Written by 4:42 pm Daily Prayers • One Comment

Prayer for true freedom

Lord Jesus, today we bring to Your throne room, our world – where injustice is rife and persecution is on the increase.

We lay before You all the men and women who have had their freedom removed; each one precious in Your sight, for each one is a blood-bought child of Yours.

Be with all who are suffering injustice and loss of their freedoms, whether through government restrictions or groups that are intent on harming them, and give wisdom to people and organisations that are seeking to support those that have been affected in this way.

Keep us Lord under Your protection as we seek to live our lives as unto You. We thank You for the liberty we enjoy.

Lord, we need freedom from fear, anxiety, stress, unforgiving spirit, judgement, prejudice and all kinds of sin.

Most importantly, we pray that we can enjoy the freedom to worship the One True God, in every corner of the world, to speak your Word and to minister in Your name.

A special prayer for our brethren across the world, who are unable to do so.

Let every shackle fall off and may we live together as free creatures, one in Christ, loving each other.


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