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Precious Father God, I understand that I cannot lose any good thing for being Your child, but I can only gain.

Therefore, I am determined to be Your child today! I confess Your Son Jesus Christ as my Lord and I accept him as my personal Saviour. I confess my sins and I forsake them.

I ask for Your grace to remain faithful to You and I will serve You throughout the days of my life.

Please release Your unconquerable Holy Spirit upon me. Let Him empower me to be an overcomer! Let Him energise me to start living a triumphant life from today. Please let me know that Your grace is sufficient for me – to live a satisfying life before You always.

Help me to triumph in Your Son’s name throughout the days of my life. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Father, please forgive me of any wicked act that I have involved myself. I am sorry for every evil act that I have committed. I repent from all my wickedness today, and I will never return to them again.

I am now determined to do things rightly. I will exercise adequate and impartial judgments; I will not exploit anyone for my selfish gain; I will treat people under my watch fairly and equally. I will be content with whatever I have and I will not be envious of others. Help me to be honest in dealing with You and other people, so that it can be well with me throughout the days of my life.

My dear heavenly Father, you know the depths of my sorrow over my sin. Even though it’s painful, I know this sorrow is a gift of grace.

I would far rather be aware of my sin and mourning over it, than to be oblivious of it and self-satisfied, because awareness of it is the first step toward confessing it, repenting of it, forsaking it, and turning back toward You.

How I thank You for granting me a fresh awareness of my sin before a holy God! Not so I can wallow or berate myself, but so I can come to the cross for cleansing. I cannot improve upon David’s repentance prayer in Psalm 51, and so I offer it to You now.

Have mercy on me, O God,
according to Your steadfast love;
according to Your abundant mercy
blot out my transgressions.
Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
and cleanse me from my sin!
For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
Against You, You only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in Your sight,
so that You may be justified in Your words
and blameless in Your judgment.

Dear Jesus Christ, I believe that you are the Messiah the Saviour of the world. You are the Son of God sent to save the world.

I believe You with all my heart and I commit everything I have to You today. I give You my complete life, and I accept You as my personal Lord and Saviour. I believe that I am now a born again Christian and that heaven is my final destination.

Please uphold me to faithfully serve You unto the end.

Beloved Holy Spirit, root out the darkness and light up my life with Your Holy Presence. Help me understand what went wrong. Show me how my destructive patterns first began. What did I allow to become more important than loving and honouring You? Why did I seek satisfaction in things than in You? You are the only One Who provides all my needs. You fill up the soul with deep down joy and peace beyond all understanding.

Wonderful Holy Spirit, may Your restoration include new boundaries around my life. I can’t play with sin and not be hurt. In restoring me, teach me how to say no again to things which could harm myself or my testimony.

If my actions have wounded others, show me where and to whom I need to ask forgiveness or how to make amends.

Let this season be one of repentance and restoration and may it last until eternity.

We love You.


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