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Priest asks for prayers for Putin

Motorists on major Connecticut highways in eight communities will see a billboard campaign aimed at Vladimir Putin, amid Russia’s war on Ukraine. But, highway evangelising is nothing new for the person, who paid for them.

Fr Ed Nadolny, 90, a prominent Ukrainian priest throughout Connecticut for many years, didn’t need any motivation to put the Father Nadolny Good News Fund to work for Ukraine.

Fr Nadolny still has family members living in the war-torn country.

Prayer for Ukraine

“I don’t care what church you go to or what synagogue you go to, each one of us has a terribly important responsibility to pray,” said Fr Nadolny inside the sanctuary at the St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield Thursday.

He regularly uses thought-provoking messages, like the one urging prayer for Putin, on billboards, social media and in print.

“Right now, I spent $16,000 for billboards and newspapers,” Fr Nadolny said. “Four newspapers and seven billboards.”

Last year, the Father Nadolny Good News Fund invested $336,000 in different ways to ask people to pray for many causes.

Fairfield-based Save the Children, serving 120 countries, has been addressing the needs of children in Ukraine for the last eight years.

“Helping children cope with the distress that is a stress of the psychosocial needs, with the trauma and helping basic needs,” said Greg Ramm of Save the Children.

And, he adds, even our children, a half a world away, have a hard time absorbing what’s happening.

“On Save The Children’s website, we have tips for how to talk to children and we use that advice whether or not there’s a disaster in the US, like a hurricane, or they’re learning about war and conflict,” Ramm said.

“Kids are getting killed, hospitals and orphanages are getting hit,” said Fr Nadolny. “So, this (Putin) is a madman. And I’m praying that the people of Russia will rise up.”

Ramm said that 7.5 million children in Ukraine are presently facing desperation.

(Fox 61; Picture Courtesy: Father Nadolny Good News Fund)

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