Written by 4:45 pm Spiritual Warfare

Prophetic Declaration – March

Today you see the beginning of a harvest – fruits of the seeds, prayers and wait of a century.

As battles rage on in all spheres – globally, nationally, ministerially, within family and relationships, you will overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of  your testimony.

You will not take ‘NO’ for an answer when God’s Word has declared yes.

You will not relent or give up or give in, until you receive answers pouring in – for your prayers.

You will believe and speak out your faith until manifestation.

Let praise arise, let fervent worship be your watchword.

Seek JESUS with all your heart, soul and mind.

And you will see manifestations and miracles – exceedingly and abundantly more than you can ever ask or imagine.

Continue to spend time in the Word and grow in Him; God will prepare your heart to receive the mysteries of His Word and He’ll use it to direct your life and those around you.

Be alert in warfare. LIVE every moment in blind obedience to Jesus. Your miracle days are beginning.

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