Written by 2:44 pm Spiritual Warfare

Prophetic Declaration – Nov 1

Turn your eyes to behold Me.

Look away from sordid surroundings, from lack of beauty, from the imperfections in yourselves and in those around you.

Then you who have the faith vision, will see all you could and all that you desire – in Me.

In your unrest, behold My calm, My rest. In your impatience, behold My unfailing patience. In your lack and limitations, My perfection. In your sickness, My healing that’s already yours by My stripes.

Looking at Me you will grow like Me, until men say to you, too, that you have been with Jesus.

As you grow like Me you will be enabled to do the things I do, and greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto My Father.

From that place of abiding, limited by none of humanity’s limitations, I can endue you with the all-conquering, all miracle working power of your Divine Brother and ally.

Look to ME.

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