Written by 2:45 pm Divine Reflections

Rejoice, its Christmas

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again – rejoice! (Philippians 4.4.)

With the negative, fearful and very painful happenings within many families all over the world, due to the pandemic and other problems, some might discard every attempt to ask anyone to rejoice. But the benefits of obeying God’s Word irrespective of contrary circumstances can never be overemphasised. Also, the reason we need to rejoice is because we’re celebrating the birth and the release of eternal life, Jesus Christ. (John 14:6) The greatest and most important gift anyone could have!

At Walmart and other beautiful stores, and then around my neighbourhood and other parts of my city, we can literally sense, smell, feel and even touch the emergence and resurgence of the highly festive Christmas and New Year celebrations! The colourful, beautiful lighting and decorations say it all.

May I remind you that we’re not celebrating the date, 25th December, neither are we celebrating the immorality and irresponsibility that normally and unfortunately accompany this holy season. Once again, we’re celebrating the greatest gift in the whole wide world, Jesus Christ, the righteous King of Kings and Lord of Lords! The air is supercharged and supersaturated with anticipated thrill, euphoria, and divine love!

It’s like being present on the spot the wise men and the Shepherds got the glorious news of the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ, this is an amazing moment indeed! (Matthew 2:2, 10-12; Luke 2:8-20) We have every reason to give thanks and praise to God continually for His mercies and grace on us to witness another of these auspicious, highly memorable, and edifying occasions. Jesus Christ is the reason for this season! He’s holy, celebrate Him in holiness and rejoicing!

But perhaps like many others, your journey through these past years and particularly this year 2020, has not been positively eventful and fruitful. Consequently you’re mustering your final and reserved energy, courage and hope just to waddle to the end of this year, so you can expect to hear yet another prophetic declaration about yet another year, the upcoming 2021!

Hold it right there, you’ve missed something very significant.

This is the end of the year, and according to scriptures, it’s bound to be better than the beginning and previous years, it can’t be otherwise!

Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit (Ecclesiastes 7:8)

Though your beginning was small and inconsequential, this latter end should greatly increase! (Job 8:7)

These are God’s infallible Words and Promises, not mine. God says you’ve been endowed with the capacity to do greater works than Jesus Christ did, at this time! (John 14:12) The creator of heaven and earth, the self existing God, the Almighty Himself is saying, ideally, you’re immune to stagnation, retrogression, and relegation, no matter what. And that, onward and forward, waxing stronger and stronger in every capacity and circumstance is your birthright and inheritance! (Job 17:9) Now, I can sense your spirit man rising up with divine desperation to lay hold on these great promises of blessings! Go ahead; because it’s our inheritance, glory to God!

However, before you permit anymore hideous, traditional, conventional and Satan inspired thoughts sneak through the window of your mind and into the citadel of your delicate heart, know this,.

God is never late.

Continue sending up your powerful requests of scripture-based prayers regularly and confidently ( 1John 5:14:15) As you keep calling, the tide is turning. Last year is history, next year is a mystery wrapped up in your definite victory. Today is your opportunity, grab His promises! Delay is never denial.

All you could have accomplished in the previous years and eleven months, God is able to do for you in a day! What’s your access to that? Jesus said, “Let it be unto you according to your faith” – Now, that’s extremely powerful. The ball is now in your court, not God’s! Can’t you see that our faith in God’s Word is powerful enough to move God to bless us? This is simply incredible! Jesus is saying, better not try to reason, rationalise or figure this out, just believe it and God will do it, period!

Merry Christmas and an incredible New Year just around the corner.


By Apostle Steve Adonai

Steve is married and lives in Illinois, USA. He is the Founder/President of Global Stamina Inc-PUSH Worldwide. He has visited countless ministries and denominations in Nigeria, Ghana and the USA. He liaises with ministers to enhance the unity of the Church, emphasising on the urgency to get sinners saved, saints edified, trained and deployed as ministers who demonstrate signs, wonders and God’s miracles to this hungry, depraved and lost world that’s eagerly awaiting the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God.  His page on Facebook is https://bit.ly/37DMpY9

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