Written by 5:31 am Desserts

Rich Chocolate Cake

Rich Chocolate Cake will forever remain one of the most craved-for and drool-worthy desserts in the world.

A cocoa-based cake – deeply chocolatey and incredibly moist. When this one appears on the table, there will probably be drooling and clapping. All of us have that one recipe which we perfect after experimenting with different combinations, after many trials and errors.  This is our own recipe which is dedicated to our chocolate-mad family. This is also among our most sought after recipes.

In a large mixing bowl, sieve together 6 cups flour, 6 cups white sugar, 3 cups Hershey’s Unsweetened Cocoa, 2 tbs baking soda, 3 tsp baking powder and 2 tsp salt. Mix very well with a whisk.

Add to this mix 8 eggs, 3 cups warm water, 1 cup sunflower oil, 4 tsp vanilla extract and 3 cups butter milk (made by adding 2tbs white vinegar to 3 cups of milk)

Whisk the whole mixture together very well.

Dust 2 or 3 baking pans with cocoa powder (I hate white flour dust on my cakes) Pour the equally divided batter into the pans and bake.

Sandwich the cakes with rich chocolate cream & ganache frosting. And watch the slices disappear.

By Linda Joseph Kavalackal,
Christ & Co. 

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