Written by 2:17 pm Snacks, Savouries

Seeni Sambol

Sweet and spicy onion confit which you can eat with almost anything. Seeni Sambol (literally translates to sugar sambol) elevates ordinary caramelised onions to a whole new level.

It is a classic Sri Lankan relish and a twist on India’s Onion Fry. This one is sweet, sour, salty and spicy rolled into one and makes a wonderful accompaniment for string hoppers, rice or bread. It can also be used to stuff samosas.

Heat 2 tbs oil in a pan. Add a piece of cinnamon and sprig of curry leaves.

Add 4 to 5 sliced onions and sauté until they become soft.

Now add 1 to 2 teaspoons of the dried tuna powder and stir fry for about 10 seconds.

To this, add chilli powder according to your taste and continue to stir fry for about 5-10 seconds. Now add 4 to 5 chopped tomatoes and continue to cook until the mix is pulpy.

When it’s almost done and the oil separates, add about a teaspoon of sugar and salt to taste. Then mix well. Serve with your favourite bread.

By Arthi Fernando

Arthi is a busy mum to three kids and the wife a doctor. She is based in Doncaster, UK. She ran a successful local catering business, focusing on South Asian cuisine. This passionate homemaker also has a popular YouTube channel, where she shares her favourite recipes. She aims to give everyone a chance to try out all her dishes which have turned out to be quite popular with her family and friends: https://bit.ly/35Q6I3E

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